Guitars For Vets
Chapter 90 in Hershey

Guitars for Vets is an organization which provides services for vets dealing with PTSD after serving. This wonderful organization is totally free for Veterans.

G4V offers 10 week instructional guitar classes for vets with any level of experience with music. Yes you can never have played any instrument before. You don’t even need an instrument to join.

At chapter 90 in Hershey, PA, the student will be provided a free quality guitar upon your start date and when you graduate the 10 week course. Upon graduation you will receive a guitar for graduation. 

I am a volunteer instructor for G4V and have undergone many years of informal and formal training. I have a bachelors degree in music and a masters degree in music composition and skilled at teaching adults.

If you or anyone you know could benefit from this completely free program for Veterans of the US please visit Guitars for Veterans


Jeremiah Williams American Flag
Jeremiah American Flag

Jeremiah Want to thank you for your time, patience, knowledge, encouragement. Glad to have met you and got to work with you. You helped me get started in something I thought about doing from time to time. This was great opportunity. Thanks again.

 – Daryl D.